• Tui Na is an ancient form of Chinese bodywork that encompasses a combination of massage, acupressure, and body manipulation. Applying pressure to specific acupoints, meridians, and groups of muscles and nerves can release any blockages that are preventing the free flow of Qi.

    Tui Na appointments are available through online booking, or can be added to any acupuncture treatment.

  • Qi Gong is a practice originating in ancient China which involves various body movements designed to cultivate life force and energy or “Qi” (pronounced Chee). This low impact exercise is great for conditioning the body, reducing stress, and increasing circulation.

    Class is held Thursday from 5-6 pm.

    Booking available online.


  • Sports Medicine

  • Orthopedics

  • Injury


  • Digestion

  • GI Disorders

  • Hormonal Issues

  • Skin Conditions

 Nervous System

  • Stress & Emotions - Stress Related Disorders

  • Nerve Pain

  • Sleep Disorders - Insomnia


  • Appetite/Nutrition

  • Immunity

  • Energy Problems

  • Allergies

  • Fatigue

  • Focus/Attention